For more than 25 years, MediaCom has been our official partner for all our hotlieres and HardRock Cafe units.
Ridha Gandouz
Contracting Manager el Mouradi Hotel

Thank you for your support for more than 10 years and for that we have decided to sign an exclusive contract with MediaCom for technical support and the supply of audiovisual equipment for all our Planet Fintess Tunisia Clubs.
Nabil Chaibi
CEO Sportpros & Planet Fitness Tunis

I recommend our partner MediaCom for the quality of equipment and services.
SeifEddine Hamdi
IT Manager Marriott Tunis

What our customers say

Nôtre denier né, Le secteur pétroliers
Sécurité des Sites Sensibles
Equipements normalisés et dédiés aux sites industriels et environnement à risque classifié ATEX

GROWING NEW ROOTS IN THE LIGHTING INDUSTRY Discover the all-new S-TRIBE™ fixture. Enjoy the unique new design and hypnotic light. Follow the atmosphere of an ancient Slavic tribe.


New technology partner

Protection Incendie
ANSUL ® Restaurant Electric Detection (RED) Technology
les cuisines ont évolué, votre protection incendie devrait également l'être.
Jhonson controls ® a devolopé une nouvelle
génération de protection incendie intelligente pour les restaurants :
la technologie ANSUL® Restaurant Electric Detection (RED).

Our trusted customers
We've helped universities, healthcare, museums, public sector and blue-chip enterprises stay connected through the integration of scalable audio-visual and unified communications solutions.